Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Filming Week - Day 2 - 09/04/2014

Today was our first full day of filming and working with Jonathon. Although it was much a longer day than we had originally planned, it went really well and this meant that we managed to gather a lot  more footage than we originally planned and expected, as we came up with further ideas and shots to gather on the day.

When we first arrived at Wood Hill Grange, we all signed in and made sure staff were aware of our filming and alright with this. We put the following sign up on both the room's door that we were filming in, as well as the corridor.

We decided to manage our time by splitting the group into two smaller groups; Louise (Producer), Sarah (Editor) and Adam (Sound Editor), who would stay inside and set up the lighting and camera equipment for the indoor scenes, whilst Oliver (Director), Rose (Camera Operator) and I (Sound Recordist) went to a wooded area with Jonathon (actor) in order to gather a few shots outside.

We started off gathering some outdoor shots and sound recordings, which we did face some issues with. Originally, our idea was to combine the outdoor and indoor shots, to create a representation of the character's mind set by bringing the outdoors inside of the room. We planned to do this by connecting certain shots, such as the close up of the character's feet on the floor inside, with outdoor shots which would be the same shot type but from an outdoor, wooded location. However, when we came to film this, we realised it was going to be quite difficult to recreate the exact shot again and match this up within the edit, without it having moved, even if slightly. We decided to collect all of these shots anyway whilst we have access to a location as well as our actor, so that we have more than enough to work with within the edit, and plan to discuss this further after reviewing the footage both after today's shoot and also when we come to edit the final film. We did manage to gather some further outdoor sound recordings in this location, however the recordings that we gathered from the other outdoor location earlier this week seem to be clearer as there was a road quite nearby, which did cause some interference at this location.

The indoor scenes worked really well today, as did having a group of six members for this project. Sarah, Adam and Louise helped us out as we filmed and recorded, by holding wires and operating the lighting equipment. The shoot didn't feel too crowded at any time either, which is something we thought may occur when originally planning how to arrange each member of the group before we began filming at the location. There always seemed something for everyone to be doing, whether this was redesigning the set of the room, reviewing footage and contributing opinions/further ideas for this or holding the reflector and operating lighting equipment. The group has been working really well together, and when we have faced problems everyone has been patient and understanding in trying to help to deal with these as soon as possible and without too much interruption to the filming. Reviewing the footage throughout the day helped with this, as one of our main issues was continuity, and keeping this throughout our film, which at times was quite difficult as we were moving features of the room around as part of our narrative, so needed to get the right balance between doing this purposefully and the audience understanding it and not mistaking it for a continuity error. Working with Jonathon has also been an enjoyable experience, as up until this project I haven't really had the opportunity to work with professional actors before, and feel that a lot has been learnt from working with him, whilst he also was asking us about the filmmaking process as the day and film progressed.
We finished the day off by thanking Jonathon, before tidying the room up, in preparation for filming the first half of the script tomorrow.


Sound Recording

Throughout today, I have noticed there has been an issue with the zoom sound recorder, in that the battery is draining really quickly, which meant that I had to change the batteries every few shots. At first, I found this quite a difficult issue to deal with, as I wanted to get a good balance between not interrupting Jonathon when he was acting and Rose whilst she was filming, but still make them aware of the problem. This did mean that we had to do quite a few extra takes, however the group were really accepting of this and we got around the problem by taking a few extra breaks than we had planned to see if we could fix the issue, and I also turned the zoom off after every scene to try and see if this would save the battery.


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