Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Sound Design in We Need To Talk About Kevin (2011, Dir. Lynne Ramsay)

Sound Design

As well as finding the visuals interesting and very effective throughout the film, I was also keen to find out more about the sound design that connects with the viewer so well, and how this was achieved. After some research, I found the above interview, and found the section on Foley, and how this can be used to create feelings of isolation relating to characters in empty and quiet locations to be particularly interesting. Our own drama features a single character, trapped in just one empty room, and so this made me think about the possibility of incorporating Foley sounds into parts of our film, especially those where the character feels isolated and trapped, which could further help the viewers to connect with our character and begin to understand their perspective of the empty room.

I thought about the concept of ‘hiding’ and then also about how we could visually show this within our own film through making connections between the space and the character.  When initially coming up with concepts, the main thing that I struggle with is condensing my ideas down to one clear concept to work with, so by doing this at an early on stage within the production, I am hoping that this, along with working with the other group members to share ideas around, will help in keeping our concept simple, as we want to create a film that feels real, and use sound as an element in achieving this.

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