Saturday, 15 February 2014

Inspiration - Unintended Calculations Street Art Documentary

Unintended Calculations Street Art Documentary from Grounded TV Network on Vimeo.

Whilst researching films which have a similar style to what we would like to achieve within our own film, I came across the above Street Art documentary. Having discovered this documentary before our Liverpool trip, there are several elements to it that I find interesting and that have acted as inspiration towards the camerawork as well as sound use within our film.

Some of these include the way in which the interviews are structured- how the subject introduces themselves after they have spoken about the subject matter, the positive outlook on the theme and subject matter which is similar to the angle that our own documentary takes, and the way in which the sound bites taken from interviews complement a variety of different close up and unusually angled shots as opposed to focusing solely on the contributor whilst they are taking part in the full interview. Within this particular documentary, I also like how the overall positivity of the theme can be seen as reflected in the way in which the documentary makes the transition between black and white and colour progressively.

Camera angles, placement and shot types

The creative angles and camera placement in some of the particular shots stood out, as they make the film remain as interesting visually as it is audio wise, with the sound bites that play alongside them. This is something that we tried to achieve within our own production, through recording separate close ups on key items within our locations, as well as making best use of the space made available to us. These included focus pulls on the tops of spray paint cans and filming pieces of outdoor artwork from floor level, that we could place alongside certain parts of the audio taken from within our interview set ups. This also informed our decision to employ a multi - camera set up during our interviews; one camera was left on a tripod with a standard interview set up, whilst one was handheld and explored different angles, whilst also experimenting with using a dropped frame rate at times.



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