Saturday, 15 February 2014

Documentary Inspiration/Analysis - The Ghostvillage project

The Ghostvillage Project (2009, Dir. Tim Daly, Alex Scaglia )

Whilst researching, I came across a BBC documentary entitled 'The Ghostvillage Project', which I found really interesting in both a narrative sense as well as visually. The ten minute documentary was shot in 2009 in a remote area in the west of Scotland, and follows an arts collective called Agents Of Change, as they transform an abandoned village into an outdoor art gallery.

In some ways, this documentary has inspired me to suggest to the group and explore further creativity within our own film project, in terms of exploring what can be achieved visually with the framing of shots, as opposed to having lots of similar and repetitive long shots of streets filled with artwork. I also like the style of this documentary film, as it feels insightful in more than one way; the story is unfolded via the artists own perspective, as well as visually in terms of displaying on screen the process from a blank workspace area to a completed outdoor artwork sight.
 I also think that the cinematography used in this film has been composed well, and in particular with the below shots, when soundbites are used alongside these they are held onto for quite a long amount of time, which I feel adds to the effectiveness of the overall piece. This is something that I feel could incorporate into our own project as well - as we have a lot of interviews scheduled, it could form a more interesting viewing experience as opposed to showing on screen all of the standard interview set ups alone.


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