Thursday, 27 February 2014

Post - Production update

After having a group tutorial yesterday, although we all feel confident with where our film is going and that we will be able to manage our time well up until next week's presentation deadline, there are a few areas as a group that we feel we need to focus further on. One of the main issues is trying to fit all of the strongest interview footage into a documentary of 5 minutes in length.

We sat down as a team after this tutorial and discussed what we could do to make the workload more manageable with the week that we have left to complete the project, as well as how we could further narrow down our large amount of  interview footage to a few key areas and clips.  I agreed with Alex Potter that a good task to start this with would be for us all to listen back to and the full interviews that we gathered and each make notes on key phrases/quotes that are standout and we feel express our positive expressionism idea well, as give the viewer an insight into individuals own perspectives. We discovered by doing this that our interviews seem to be adapting the angle of our documentary slightly, as some of our contributors make viewers aware of elements of Street Art that we had never considered before, meaning that our documentary also seems to be taking on more of an informative style.

We all sat down in an edit suite and after listening to all of our interviews back, individually taking notes of key quotes and soundbites, we compared our notes and discussed which ones really held up the theme and angle that our film is taking. We then compiled a new list of narrowed down , more specific  soundbites to pass on to Oliver (Sound Editor) and Saul (Editor), that can then be included on a new audio timeline to see how this fits within our current piece. We are hoping that by doing this, the project will not seem so overwhelming in terms of the large amount of footage and audio that we have gathered, as we can now focus in on these key soundbites/interviews and still be staying within the 5 minute running time length.


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